Vanda Pinto, PhD,  science writer—

Vanda is a biochemist with a PhD in biomedicine from the University of Porto, Portugal. She conducted her postdoctoral research first at the Bristol Medical School, U.K., studying the insulin-PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in diabetic nephropathy, then at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, where her focus was on glycosylation in lupus nephritis and inflammatory bowel disease. She next made the switch to science publishing, handling papers in biochemistry, molecular biology, and immunology.

Articles by Vanda Pinto

Physical Exercise Program Helps to Stop Scoliosis Progression, Study Finds

A six-month intensive and individualized exercise program prevented the progression of scoliosis, a sideways curvature of the spine, in most girls and women with Rett syndrome taking part in a study. In two young patients, the intervention completely corrected the spine’s curve. “This result is highly significant as no spontaneous scoliosis curve…

Problems in Neuronal Activation, Complexity Seen in Rett Model

Neurons activated at the same time — a state called neuronal synchrony — and with lesser complexity in the relationships between nerve cells of the brain and the body may contribute to the aimless and repetitive movements of Rett syndrome, a recent animal study suggests. The study, “Collapse of…

Continuous BDNF Supply by Stem Cells May Have Therapeutic Potential

Stem cells engineered to produce a constant level of a downstream target of the MECP2 protein, called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), increased the development of new neurons and prevented body weight loss in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. The study with that finding, “Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Secreting…