
Computer modeling confirms Daybue dosing regimen

Computer modeling confirms the weight-based dosing strategy for Daybue (trofinetide) to treat people with Rett syndrome, ages 2 and older. That’s according to two, back-to-back studies published separately in Advances in Therapy. Daybue, from Acadia Pharmaceuticals, is the first therapy approved in the U.S. for people with…

Caregivers saw improvements in patients given Daybue in Rett trials

Treatment with Daybue (trofinetide) in clinical trials helped girls and young women with Rett syndrome to communicate and use their hands better, according to interviews with caregivers of participants in two studies that tested the now-approved therapy. “Caregivers from both trials described a range of improvements, including increased…

New MeCP2 mutation found in boy with Rett syndrome

Researchers identified a new mutation in the MeCP2 gene in a Chinese boy diagnosed with Rett syndrome, a condition that rarely affects males. The boy exhibited diverse symptoms, including limited movements, breathing and sleep problems, heart and lung defects, and abnormal brain wave activity. “Our discovery of…