
EveryLife Introduces First of Kind ‘Roadmap’ to ICD Codes

To help patient advocacy leaders and their partners better understand how global health statistics codes — known as ICD codes — are assigned, updated, and revised in the U.S. health information system, the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases is presenting a first-of-its-kind resource guide. The foundation created the…

Latest Trial Results of Anavex 2-73 ‘Very Promising’

Clinical improvements with Anavex 2-73 (blarcamesine) correlated with activation of the SIGMAR1 gene, which provides instructions for making the protein targeted by the investigational Rett syndrome therapy, in a Phase 2 study. The sigma-1 receptor, or SIGMAR1, has been associated with helping nerve cells adapt to experience and injury, and…

Nocturnal Teeth Grinding Linked to Frequent Snoring

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding and jaw clenching, during the night is associated significantly with frequent snoring in girls and women with Rett syndrome, an international database study shows. The data also support the previously reported high prevalence of bruxism (reported in 66.2% of patients) in this…