
Daytime Teeth Grinding Means More Dental Work

People with Rett syndrome who grind their teeth during the day had a higher incidence of dental treatment, particularly restorations, than those who did not, an international database study reported.  The findings also showed that patients fed orally had more dental…

Board Recommends All Anavex 2-73 Trials Proceed

An independent monitoring board has recommended that all three ongoing clinical trials of Anavex 2-73 (blarcamesine), an investigational treatment for Rett syndrome, continue without changes, based on a review of interim safety data. Anavex Life Sciences, the medication’s developer, announced the decision in a press release. Data…

LAVENDER Phase 3 Trial of Trofinetide Enrolling at New Sites

Acadia Pharmaceuticals is enrolling participants at four new clinical sites in its Phase 3 LAVENDER trial testing trofinetide as a treatment for girls and young women with Rett syndrome. In an online letter to the Rett community, Acadia announced these recent additions: Seattle Children’s Hospital; the University of North Carolina…

COVID-19 Vaccine Compatible with Trial Testing of Rett Gene Therapy

People with Rett syndrome can receive the COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson and still participate in future clinical trials of the investigational gene therapy TSHA-102, the treatment’s developer has announced. “We are aware of concerns about the adenovirus vector COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and its…